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Urgent Probono Estate Matter


Sent (by post and email) Sunday, December 8, 2013 at 12:09 PM.

To: Rolf Schneider and Family, Bracebridge, ON P1L 1R5.

cc: Highpoint Barrie Building Manager, 2 Kozlov Street, Barrie, ON L4N 5A1.

Dear Uncle Rolf and Aunt Hilde ET AL,

Re: Aunt Margrit Schneider, 2 Kozlov St., Barrie, ON.

If anyone has the contact information for the estate lawyer for Margrit Schneider, it would be most sincerely appreciated, in order to assist her uncle Rolf in northern Ontario with his ailing health, as the niece has not heard anything back from him at all regarding her aunt's status or condition either. And the niece's budget from the disability support's basic living expenses is not enough to cover long distance telephone costs.

Any kind attention, co-operation and assistance in this matter would be most greatfully appreciated.



S. G. Goesseringer Toronto, ON M5S 1R8



Niece got hold of tenant friend Audrey (who left an urgent voicemail message on December 31st and) who now confirmed Margrit passed away on December 29th and said that she took away her dog from the friend and also that she hasn't been using her car for the past few months. The building owner is not co-operating to allow access to find a copy of the will and legal papers for filing of final tax returns, etc., and uncle/brother Rolf's phone line has been busied for weeks. The uncle has not called or written, nor has there been an obituary for Margrit published in the paper. Have till end of month when (the deceased) Margrit's security deposit expires to tie up loose ends. Building super knows niece from Easter visit when she buzzed up and building head office owners/managers will not send his contact info. There are long distance and urgent disability as well as age-related hardships here. It is suspected that (mistress) Margrit's (now deceased) partner/weekend mate* Phil's brother Robert David (Bob) Humfrey may have the car, and if so, this is theft. Niece has no contact #s for any of the above. [Phil's real wife June met Margrit's niece at a businesswoman's seminar at the Elmwood Spa in the 80s.] The car (a red Hyundai Accent, which license plate expired on Margrit's birthday, January 8th) was paid for and promised by Margrit to her niece, who has disability issues and needs. Further delays are causing urgent quality of life threats as well as possible loss of the estate to next of kin due to non funds to take care of final matters properly. Margrit's revision of the will was also discussed during their Christmas and Easter visits, as was the scattering of Margrit's ashes.

[Footnote* - doubt even qualified as commonlaw in the terminal period prior to death, as commonlaw in Ontario requires 3 years full-time cohabitation. Phil's brother manipulated the survivor benefit to go to Margrit (the part-time mistress) instead of Phil's real wife, which gives Bob motive if he took Margrit's car (which was promised to her niece during one of their last visits). Margrit also expressed to the niece that she felt harassed by Bob's numerous calls after his brother Phil's death.]


Copy to Ian Mang, Mang, Steinberg, Toronto, ON.

(Orillia Hospital Lawsuit Lawyer for Margrit Schneider and Trudy Goesseringer, deceased ~ )

Authorities say dead must be cremated [05/08/2014]


Executrix by Acclamation Rights


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